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September 28, 2012

Inelia Benz

Alien Hybrids, DNA & The Great Shift

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

There are alien races who are profiting from an enslaved human collective. However, the enslavement is being done by humans using fear. It is actually quite easy to enslave a people through fear. All you have to do is create an enemy and a terrible future. By owning most of the media outlets, those in charge can create any horror outcome they choose. By withholding resources, they create lack and poverty. By controlling the basic necessities of life, they create dependency. Once those things are established, they have full control of how you live your life. Could an extraterrestrial race be behind this? Could our fear and anxiety be the energy that nurtures this race and that is why the human race feels enslaved in the 21st century? Could the hybrid program be a way to help us break away from those shackles, or could it be a way to adapt a new race to take over the planet.

B i o

Her full name is Inelia del Pilar Ahumada Avila, and is also known as Inelia Benz. She`s here, as millions of others are, to raise the level of vibration of the planet. This has involved in assisting lightworkers and lightwarriors in their path as well as exploring and investigating what the "dark side" is doing on the planet. She has also been developing and investigating tools and practices which are quick and effective in the raising of awareness and vibration of individuals and the planet. Including formal religious practices, exploration of Magik, Mysticism, and even joined a cult for a while. She came here knowing what she had to do, but did not know how to do it. She didn`t even know the vocabulary to express what she had to do here, she just knew that the world, and its people, had to "buzz" better, happier. The journey was not without its mistakes, defeats, dangers and injuries, but has been worth it. On January 2010, she received a request from "Source" to go public, which she has done. The first thing she did was to establish an information source at This assignment has been growing steadily and at the same time, her "behind the scenes" work with other lightworkers and public figures continues.

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Interview with an Alien

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