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November 18, 2011

Fernando Vossa

Free Energy, Healing Technology, & Cosmic Awareness

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

Fernando Vossa is a busy man. And of late, more than an optimist.

"While the dark forces are busy with their games, we are shifting the entire planet into another dimension completely. You should see what's happening on the universal level."

While he refers to himself as a monster of design, and an esoteric freak, Vossa is a de-facto visionary, teacher, healer, world traveler, and philosopher - with a science background. Vossa studied virtual reality engineering. "I used to work for military contractors. I helped make B-2 bombers." It was a life of frustration and despair.

Vossa works for the light now. He's built Sonic Reiki, a system where one's own voice is delivered into the body, affecting change at the DNA level. He runs a camp for children. "Those diagnosed as autistic and ADHA: They are the first generation that is multi-dimensional." They are being bombarded with information. They are filtering out the matrix.

One day soon you may be able to experience Vossa's Hypercube Resonator, an invention so radical, he closed it down for further development, for fear of misuse.

Just listening to Vossa is medicinal; his delivery informed, his intentions creative, bold and beautiful. Vossa aims to be an ambassador for technology for the next presidential administration "to bring all this technology into the government in a non-militarized way." The next president will have no option other than to embrace these changes, he says. "The breakaway society - it will be the enlightened."

As for 2012, despite upheaval on many levels, Vossa describes a new world ahead.

"It's inevitable. We are going to see technology that is going to blow our minds: time travel, teleportation, multi-dimensional matter replication. The work of Nicola Tesla, Ralph Ring, Prof. John Searl-that work that has been planted: Now we get to harvest." Trillions of dollars have been invested, he says, issuing a call for the world's first free-energy-dedicated nation to so identify.

New energy frequencies are changing our world on every level. "You're going to see migrational patterns around the planet changing with these new frequencies. You're going to see your ideas changing. Moving from fear and trouble, now we get into solutions, action, transformation.

"This is a time for us to investigate reality first hand, to discover your self. Ask your own body, your own intelligence. Ask to dream about it, to be told. Build the faith that there is a divine unfolding. Millions of people around the world are making this happen."

Vossa's leaving the implant in his body, for now. He is forgiving about the dark work of some of the reptilians and grays. At 8 years of age, walking in the woods, a light came down and spoke to him. For the future, he wants to see the three pillars of the Vossa message unfold: free energy, healing technology, and cosmic awareness. That's the universal trinity that's going to make the breakthrough.

B i o

Fernando Vossa has been designing technology experiences for over 15 years. His approach is to reach the psyche and heart of his audience using multidisciplinary techniques from Industrial Design, Cognitive Psychology, Virtual Reality, Cinematography, Architecture, Graphic Design, and Fine Art. His accomplishments include being part of leading edge design teams for major brands such as Microsoft, Sony, US-WEST, GE-Aerospace, and most recently unfolding innovative installation concepts at The Center of Mass Creation. This media pioneer holds degrees in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Technology Design from the University of Washington. His passion for Divine technology has let him to discover evolutionary transformations of our energetic body. His journey is to explore the integration of Free Energy Research, Healing Technologies, and a Cosmic Awareness of our Extra Terrestrial neighbors. Vossa is a member of the Exopolitics movement. His work includes being a media consultant and technology ambassador to the Searl Magnetics Team developing the Searl Effect Generator.

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