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October 23, 2014

Chris. H. Hardy, Ph.D.

DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

An in-depth study of humanity's Anunnaki origins and the Anunnaki battle for an intelligent versus enslaved humanity

? Explains the genetic engineering of humanity by an Anunnaki scientist Ninmah

? Shows how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women arose from Enlil's will to keep humanity underdeveloped, clashing with Enki's and Ninmah's plan to make us equal in intelligence

? Reveals how humanity's long history of conflict was shaped by the battle between Enki and his brother Enlil

Further developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that the "gods" of ancient myth, visitors from the planet Nibiru, created us using their own "divine" DNA--first through DNA extraction from their own ribs' marrow and later by direct relations with early human females. Drawing upon multiple sacred texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah, with the help of Enki and Hermes. She reveals how Ninmah's first female human creation, Tiamat/Eve, contained more alien DNA than the earlier male one, Adamu, and how the biblical Noah represents the perfection of her work.

Examining the war between Anunnaki brothers Enki and Enlil, Hardy reveals how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women were born out of Enlil's attempts to enslave and then wipe out humanity, repeatedly thwarted by Enki and Ninmah. The author further explains how the sacred sexuality taught to humans--still seen in Tantric practice--became suppressed millennia later by the patriarchal concept of original sin and how innocent Eve took the blame for the expulsion from Eden and fall from Grace.

Showing that the god who created us was not the same god who expelled us from Eden, Hardy explains that there will be no apocalypse because the Good/Evil duality has never truly existed--it has been only enemy gods fighting and implicating humanity in the wake of their own competition for power. With a full psychological understanding of how the ancient "gods" have shaped humanity's ongoing history of conflict, we can move beyond the framework of "(my) Good versus (your) Evil" imposed by Enlil and begin to steer our own planetary destiny.

B i o

Cognitive and systems scientist, PhD in psychological anthropology and ex-researcher at Princeton`s Psychophysical Research Laboratories, Chris H. Hardy has spent the last two decades investigating nonlocal consciousness and thought-provoking mind potentials. Author of more than fifty papers and about fifteen books on these subjects, she is an authority in the domain both in scientific terms and as an author and workshop facilitator.

She has developed a cognitive theory, posing a nonlocal consciousness, published in the US (Networks of meaning: A bridge between mind and matter. Westport, CT: Praeger. 1998), of which professor and author Allan Combs said: "This book may well be the first step to an entirely new and deeply human understanding of the mind."

Chris H. Hardy spends a lot of time traveling and exploring various knowledge systems and cultures, maintaining a keen interest in eastern religions, shamanism, and esoterica.

She presents regularly at various international conferences, and is a member of several scientific societies based in the US, exploring system theory, chaos theory, parapsychology, and consciousness studies.


- Presently writing: A theory of the universe before the Big Bang (in English)

- 2014. DNA of the Gods. The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, Bear & Co.

- 2011. The Sacred Network. Megaliths, Cathedrals, Ley lines, and the Power of Shared Consciousness. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions.

- 2008. Diverging Views. Terra Futura Publishing. (Printed in India.)

- 1998. Networks of Meaning: A Bridge between Mind and Matter. Ct: Praeger.

In French:

- 2012. La prediction de Jung. Paris: Ed Dervy/Guy Tr�daniel.

- 2008. Le Haut Chemin. Terra Futura Publishing. (Printed in India.)

- 2002. La pens�e agissante. Ed. du Dauphin. Ed Violet.

- 1999. D`couvrez la pense positive. Ed. du Rocher.

- 1995. Le vacu de la transe. Ed. Du dauphin. (Lebaud 1991; Pocket 1996)


An unquenchable curiosity brought Chris H. Hardy to travel extensively to the East, Middle-East, and Africa to study the ancient paths of wisdom, while in parallel she tackled the novel scientific research on consciousness and psi (working at PRL Laboratories, in Princeton). All this led her to a PhD in cultural anthropology and several books, ranging from self-help books on visualization and positive thinking to a full-fledge theory of nonlocal consciousness (Networks of Meaning, NJ: Praeger, 1998, and La pr�diction de Jung. Paris: Ed Dervy, 2012). She was the founder and president of a research association studying consciousness and mind capacities for a dozen years, started lecturing and giving workshops worldwide and since then her research took her into the new fields of consciousness studies, system theory, chaos theory. She has authored about fifty papers to date and is a member of several scientific societies based in the US; Hardy has presented papers regularly at international scientific conferences since the last 15 years.

Chris H. Hardy is or was a member of these scientific societies:

Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Science (SCTPLS);

International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS);

Club of Budapest (Paris)

The parapsychological Association;

L`Association Francaise de Science des Systemes Cybernatiques, Cognitifs et Techniques (AFSCET, Paris);

Systems Science European Union (also called UES);

Grec-B (multidisciplinary research association, Paris);

L`Association Francaise du Transpersonnel (Transpersonal psychology) Paris.

Scientific and Medical Network (SMN).

Mensa (US and France)

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