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October 17, 2019

Elana Freeland

Space Fence and the Weaponization of Earth

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>


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S y n o p s i s

It is difficult to believe that our planet has been weaponized before our very eyes, but that is exactly what has happened. First, we were seduced by the convenience of a wireless world; then, atmospheric weather experimentation in the guise of carbons "climate change" converted the air we breathe into an antenna. Now, the geo-engineering we've been subjected to for two decades is being normalized as the "Star Wars" Space Fence that rises around and within us.

B i o

E. M. Freeland has worked as a ghostwriter for two decades and has edited books exposing the relationship between electromagnetics ("non-lethals") and neuroscience and remote mind control. She is the author of the Sub Rosa America & The Fall of the New Atlantis series, a fictional platform for a history of the United States since John F. Kennedy`s assassination to the present and beyond. She is editor of Paranoia magazine. Her double major in college was creative writing and biology, and she obtained a Master of Arts from St. John`s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She lives in Olympia, Washington.

Links to Guest

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

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